The boys are back to being back again, for the time being. But I forgot how to posts new episodes, so I’ve already forgotten what we talked about. I do remember laughing so hard I almost wet myself.

The boys are back to being back again, for the time being. But I forgot how to posts new episodes, so I’ve already forgotten what we talked about. I do remember laughing so hard I almost wet myself.
And by the time you hear it, the first of 2024.
Impromptu and for no reason, a new episode. Joe and Jason, talking $%^& about #$%^& like the #$%^&-heads they are. Is hard work worth it? Is life pain? Is anyone telling you otherwise only selling you something? Are you buying it? Can you buy some for us too? Is it vegan?
What brings a podcast (temporarily) back from the dead? A roast! On this very special JBC, Joe, Daryl, Dan, Shags, Tim, and Laura, ROAST Jason for no other reason than being old as hell. Adding to the gnarly: JASON’S MOM. Yeah, roasted by my own mom. I know.
Racoons, mostly, and a few other things, with Shags in full effect. As usual, I was drunk when we recorded, so I don’t recall every thing we discussed, except for the racoons, and Mormon Bubble Porn, and how much I hate it when people are mean to Ariana Grande.
So this one is not funny. I mean its always funny when two dudes debate race theory on a podcast. We argue in earnest but try to be humble. Try. Told you it wasn’t funny, but that it kinda is.
Sorry for posting this late. Sorry for the lame image. But Shaggs is back and she has a hilarious story about floppin meatses and stoppin’ leases. (Sorry for this lame episode description but hey: Shagggs is back).
Live to hard drive, making up for lost time, a (tallah)ass(ee)-load of flies blastin outta God’s back side, riding rough and ready, slipshod podcasting raining fallen angels and shaving the fur off Lucy like a hallucinating Stefan Busey.
THIS is the one with space coke. And Bob Segar I think. And maybe Taylor Swift? Or was that episode 212? Might have been 215… which we haven’t recorded yet… Jesus I’ve had too many Cherry Dr. Peppers today. Anyways. Enjoy.
Hey there. Sorry for the long pause. Life happens to the JBC crew now and again. This episode was recorded a few weeks ago, but we’re only just now posting it, and if you want to know why, listen to episode 213, which we recorded last week, and still have not posted.
In this episode, we are not at our best, which means we’re better than ever, which means if you don’t like us you love us in this one, and if you love is, you’ll take pity and send chicken soup. Mmm… soup.
We got such a big response from the last Shaggin we gave y’all, here’s more from the archives for you to get all silly with.
In honor of one fine mother, Shaggs, here’s an episode where she’s on fire. Not Katniss fire; we’re talkin’ Lanze inna butane store kinda fire.
We got mad respect for Cosplayers. And Juggalos. There’s an overlap there, if you think about it, but don’t think about it too much. Like not at all. Don’t listen to this episode even. Okay, fine, do. Respect.
Started off talking about ancestry, moved on to the usual. Sorry about that. I think there’s some deep stuff in there too, although “deep” really has different meanings, depending on what kind of hole you’re talking about.
Disney, and porn. That is, Disneyland, and then porn. The sexiness of wholesomeness? No! The wholesomeness of sexiness. See the difference? No? Neither did we. We tried, though. We really tried.
The previous episode was a fake 207. This is the real 207. It’s very throlo. That’s right, we know how to talk the talk. And walk the walk. Shaggs rounds out the party, and there’s much hilarity. Also blood. We don’t hold back.
April Fool’s Day episode. Posting a few days late because we didn’t want to think the podcast was a joke. I mean it is, but only some of you know that. The rest don’t. Not related: if one of our listener has multiple personalities, can we count those as listeners too?
Everybody does it and everybody secretly likes it but no is willing to admit it except for two raunchy 40-somethings. No, not podcasting; we’re talking about farting. Which for us is the same thing.
Our annual St. Patrick’s show where we confuse Irish and Scottish things, complain about stupid spaghetti commercials, and scream at you 52 times, twice, once in leprechaun.
First we talked about peases, then talked about Seuss, then we talked about haggis, but not about puce. Next Shaggs talked about beef tongue, but not for dessert, nor about Idris Elba’s, you little pervert.
First Jason blathered about foil fencing for nine minutes. Then he and Joe and Shaggs talked about foibles. Yes, THE Shaggs. Then I don’t know what. Ice cubes flying out of asses, I guess.
This was supposed be an episode about our foibles but we ended up talking about music for an hour, which we do a lot cause it’s one of our foibles.
Edit: Podchaser told me to say this: D5C3aiPWup7Oi7fpACdy
Gotta be honest, I don’t recall what we talked about. I think coyotes at one point, and maybe Brad Dourif. Or Brian Dorf? But not Christian Kane, alas.
Our 200th. Our Twice-Centennial. Four Years of @#$%^&* and here’s to forty-four more. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our listener, without whom we… would not bother writing these stupid blurbs.
Hey, we’re gonna record again real soon. To help you get your taint callus back, here’s a blast from the past. Listen and get your ass ready.
While we take a little break, here’s an oldy but a goody. BTW, this might be wrong image to go along with it. If so, let me know by shouting very loudly.
Last episode of the year. Dan and Daryl with Jason and Joe. Going to be honest: lots of fart jokes. After this, reruns while we spend some weeks gettin’ ready for 200. Until then: pfffrrrprpfpweeeeblblbppppttptptptpp.
Better early than never, though? This be the second-to-last episode of the year. Time to party? Not yet? Okay. Danger Lee Daniels and Double Barrel the steam roller Daryl joins us for hijinx. Another episode tomorrow.
Shaggs is back. That’s all I remember about this episode. I’m posting this from a darkened theater, hypnotized by the light of my laptop screen. All I recall is we laughed our anii off.
This episode features the voice(s) of Joe reading the writing(s) of Jason on the subject(s) of zombie(s). It was all Joe’s idea. He’s a damned genius. I love this guy. You should love him too. And you will when you listen to this episode.
Scary clowns are so 2016. Ozzy Osbourne is so 1970. Telling someone you won’t get them an expensive casket is so 2020. This is not our year in review show.
In this episode, the Four Dorksmen of the Thankspocalypse (Joe, Jason, our uncles/dads) mount up to ride down your Meleagris gallopavo and shove it into our own gaping maws, caruncle, snood, wattle and all. Stuff yo self.
If bands were food, which ones would you eat? That’s pretty much all we talked about. Music in general came up but it came up like when you eat too much Wu-Tang Clanberry Sauce.
Was supposed to be a randopisode, but we ended up talking about the toys of our youth. Also we talked about cocoa melon. And slime. And wieners and violence and tits. I mean, of course we did.
Halloween never ends. Thrill in the first half of the episode as Shaggs relates shenanigans that took place outside her domicile. The rest of the episode is about music.
Recorded BEFORE Halloween, posted AFTER. Thus we have All Hallow’s Eve covered on both sides. Our usually gushing (from open wounds) about scary stuff. And there’s a montage!
Random Shaggless episode that starts with five minutes of blather and then goes downhill but then goes back up when we start talking about astronomy no pun intended.
Do you know how many cool people died in the 2010s? Way too damn many. In this episode, we mention them. Man, f*** the 2010s.
Let’s talk about poetry. Let’s just admit that some of us don’t get it. Let’s talk about how cold, dark, and alone that makes us feel, as we gyre and gimble in the wabe.
We did the eighties. Then the nineties. Now the naughties. I mean aughties. Like you aught to listen to this episode because Shaggs is on it and we talk about which celebrities we’d eat. Are you not entertained?
On this episode we play Marry F*ck Kill with icons from the 90s. Shaggs is with us once again to reminisce about a decade that only happened so we could make fun of it.
Rando episode where we mostly talk about Ted talks. About how comedy is the best way to learn. You listen to this podcast, you laugh, you learn not to listen to our podcast. Q.E.D.
On this episode we look back at the 80s. Fun-Time Shaggs joins us, talkin’ ’bout Lipps Inc, Til Tuesday, Moonboots, and the Goonies. Actually, we only mention one of those. Guess which one. Then relax. Don’t do it.
We really get into on this episode. Topical. Not sure how we got there but we did and the world hasn’t changed a bit since and that’s podcasting for you.
No idea what we talk about on this. We invent a religious philosophy form of psychotherapy based on an inverted solotheocynicsm. Or something. And snot. And bears vs gorillas. Muchos ass-hattericaliness.
Newdad Joe and oldad Jason got up at 5 am to bring you this episode about dadhood, which involves a lot of poop. Also we talk about: the Stranger, the Spectre, the Spectator, the Spectaparrotator, and W.A.P.
Doopsie Woodle! JBC is on a short corporate retreat as we hunt down a dictionary to learn what the hell “pointless” means. Until then, here’s some ast-blays from the ast-pays.
Woopsie doodle! JBC is on a short sabbatical as we hunt down a dictionary to learn what the hell “sabbatical” means. Until then, here’s some bliz-asts from the pizz-asts.
Woopsie doodle! JBC is on a short hiatus as we hunt down a dictionary to learn what the hell “hiatus” means. Until then, here’s some blasts from the pasts.
Notes show, meaning we jotted down random thoughts and then talked about them. More self indulgent than usual, in that regard. Friggin’ hoarders. Orwellian beavers. This episode is assiseven.
As the guy in that play said, words words words. Did you know Shakespeare made fart jokes? So we’re basically Shakespeare. From the top of our glabellas to the end of our minimuses.
A 4th of July episode, recorded on the third, posted on the 5th. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that Cletus can blow off his own damn fingers if he wants to, etc.
One more from the can, so Joe can attend to his little one. Speaking of the opposite if “little one,” this episode definitely mentions Bill Hader.
We’re back! Sort of. This random episode features candles, nurses, Orlando Bloom, olfactory nerves, and hats, so many hats, so many there’s even enough hats for bands from Australia.
Joe Newdad has already been poo’d upon and szszss-splattered. So instead of his bringing his sleep-deprived body to the mic, we’ll just post this one, from the can. About farts and songs. But not the ones Bill Hader tooted or sung.
Joe is now a dad. So here’s an episode we recorded earlier this year but never released. I have no idea what it’s about. Eggs, maybe. Or winning a fight against a dude in a coma. Definitely not about Bill Hader.
While we patiently wait for the JBC fam to grow by one, here’s an episode we recorded earlier in the year but never released. Not sure what it’s about, except that it has nothing to do with Bill Hader.
We use the c-word way too much in this one. Not the c-word that rhymes with what you do when you stalk prey. The c-word that rhymes with the dude who wrote “Tristia” back in the two-digit ADs.
This is a very kinky show. The kind you don’t take home to mother. Features Funtime Shaggs. We discuss thots. Thots never let your spirit down. They’re alright with me. Yeah.
What’s your opinion on Adele? We don’t care. Nor should you care about ours. Because we don’t have one. We do, but we don’t care that we do. Nor should you. Unless you do. Then don’t.
This one is all over the place. Speech impediments, meta-dreams, probiotic yogurt, cretins. Almost no Covid talk at all. Refreshing, right? Juliette Lewis, right?
Ian Sane joins us to discuss that thing, what is it, that thing that some people are getting, with the lungs and the fever, and the bleach, and the kid’s shows, and some David Lee Roth, what is that thing called again?
The Dad-Uncles (Double Barrel Daryl and Danger Lee) and their Nephew-Sons (Joe and Jason) discuss Covid (Novel Corona Virus), because what the !@#$%^&* (f-word) else is going on in the world?
A special episode, so special, you won’t know if you coming, going, or OD-ing. Featuring the incomparable Timedian, and Beth, his PROFESSIONAL SINGER wife. And she performs two Covidisized songs! The best episode ever!
Was going to call this episode “Monique Alexander” but our special guest Chris had a better idea. This is a silly episode. Covid, Cabin in the Woods, Oasis, robot death. Hijinks galore. Hi. Jinks.
More Covid talk. This time we tackle boredom. How to handle it. Hint: a man named Exotic. Anitta with two Ts. Joe and Jason are lucky cause we know F.T. Shaggs and you’re never bored talking (or listening) to F.T. Shaggs.
A podcast about the corona virus. Covid-19. The TP situation. The profiteering politicians. And we’re no better, taking this opportunity to show off our singing skills.
It’s St. Patrick’s Day! It’s Friday the 13th! What do they have in common? Well, to quote Edwin Starr: “Absolutely nothin’.” But that doesn’t stop Joe and Jason and the always amazing Shaggs from blathering and self-indulgence and such like. Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthasbro R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
The Health Episode. Issue. Jason and Joe talk about their health issues. And the things they issue. Get it? That’s poetry. Wrinkly, low hanging poetry.
Random episode that I forgot to record for the first twenty minutes, so we went back and redid it but it threw me off my game. Joe is good that, as usual.
The wonderful (as always) Funtime Shaggs joins us on this episode to talk about Chocolate, White Chocolate, Peanuts, Beans, Pegging, and other topics that we strap-on and take-on like the men we are.
Film-slash-Valentine’s Day Show, with long digressions through crappy music and Elmer Fudd. Featuring The Steamroller Double-Barrel Daryl and Ian from Main Street New Mexico Membrane Sane. We don’t know who Dawn is.
Easily the most hypocritical podcast on the subject of hipsters you will ever hear. If you hear it. Or maybe you haven’t even heard of it. Heard of us. JBC. But if you have: you’re a hipster.
Super Bowl Show. Otis and Levando. Jason and Joe. All the football talk you want, which, hopefully, is barely any, as we’re a couple of hipster dipsticks who couldn’t care less, except: CHICKEN WINGS!