JBC Six: Jesse “Grab Your Socks” Chisolm

On this sixth episode the Joe and the Jason talks about our Lord and Savior, Darth Vader, how women in their mid 30s are hotter, technical difficulties, evil, new puppies, old ideas, and some seriously meta shit that will blow your tiny little minds, motherfuckers.


Just Be Cousins
Just Be Cousins
JBC Six: Jesse "Grab Your Socks" Chisolm

JBC Five: Depends

On this penteteuchacle episode Mr. Neal and Mr. Mark discuss beer, taco slicers, 80s music, the Wichita State University Wheat Shocker, and These Eyes (which are crying, in Spanish).

Just Be Cousins
Just Be Cousins
JBC Five: Depends

JBC Four: The Taco Slicer

Joe and his bro fro ano mo talk about Evanescence, Pat Benatar, Lady Gaga, the super bowl, lots of cursing, Daffy Duck, Twitter, but NOT Depends Adult Diaper.

Just Be Cousins
Just Be Cousins
JBC Four: The Taco Slicer

JBC Three: 60 Percent of the F@#$%s

Joe and Jason talk about how much they use a certain word, how meta being meta is, Joe’s regional manager, and that time Jason was in a Gold’s Gym in Venice, CA, and accidentally stalked Sporty Spice for an hour*

(*they didn’t talk about that but that really did happen).

Just Be Cousins
Just Be Cousins
JBC Three: 60 Percent of the F@#$%s

JBC Two: Sorry, Katy

The brothers from different mothers (but the same grandmother) talk about Katy, Kanye, Fatbit, American Airlines, Taco Bell, their much younger wives, and other things I can’t remember because I’ve been drinking.

Just Be Cousins
Just Be Cousins
JBC Two: Sorry, Katy

JBC One: Test

This is a test episode of Just be Cousins. Me and the Joe play around with levels, topics, structure. Also I’m testing to see how I’m even going to publish these things. Also I am testing to see how this WordPress plugin works. Also I am hungry and could use a sandwich.

Just Be Cousins
Just Be Cousins
JBC One: Test